Hi family and friends! Thank you all for your support, kindness, and encouragement, I could not be here if it was not for many of you all! I am so excited to be spending 8 weeks this summer working at New Hope Orphanage in Busia, Uganda. I will be here until July 31st and am so excited that you all have decided to follow me/keep up with all of my beautiful adventures while here. I am ready to learn, grow, and receive all the blessings this trip has to offer. I love you all and will post updates and pictures as often as possible. I'm off! Goodbye America, Hello Motherland!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

From the Middle East..to East Africa!

Hi loves,

I have been MIA for the past couple days simply because my nights have transformed into my days and my body has been in adjustment mode. BUT I'm baaaaaack! Where to start, where to start. After a beautiful night in the AMAZING city of Dubai, we finally touched down in Kampala. First off, Dubai was breathtaking! It is as if Las Vegas was just magically placed in the Middle East..but with A LOT more flavor and elegance. I got hooked up with a free night stay in a hotel and me and the gang took a night tour of the city. It is by far one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to in my life, I absolutely loved it!
We arrived in Entebbe on June 2nd and were greeted by the lively and energetic, George. His excitement to see us and work with us this summer put me at ease and made me feel so much more comfortable. George works with one of the grassroots organizations that AGRADU partners with (Katosi Women's Development Trust). He has been wonderful in assisting us adjust and get everything in order in Kampala before we all disperse to our different internships. Exploring Kampala has been exciting and exhausting. It's such a huge city...so much larger than anything I expected. The heat is real and the showers are cold, but the experience is such a blessing and I have wholeheartedly been enjoying every second of it. The lifestyle here is slow...very slow. But it really has allowed me to breathe and absorb every hour of each day. A LOT of reflection time and even more time to meditate on my intention and purpose here. I leave for Busia (New Hope) tomorrow, so this time has been wonderful and I have appreciated every minute of it.
Yesterday, a family member that lives in Kampala picked me and one of the other interns (Njeri) up from our hotel and took us to his house for dinner. He was genuinely kind and his family was extremely welcoming and generous. I ate injera and I can honestly say I have never been so happy to see shiro in my life. You never really understand how much, as human beings, we long for familiarity..until you are put in an unfamiliar situation. We talked about my mom and my aunts and uncles and how he remembers them from 30 plus years ago. It was a great night that really rejuvenated me and put any anxious feelings I had aside for the next 2 months.
Today is my last day in Kampala before I am off to the real deal. Mixed emotions about leaving this developed city to go to an extremely rural town..but I am ready. I am grateful for what is to come, thankful for all the experiences thus far, and most importantly I am aiming to wake up each day with the utmost intention, acceptance and openness to grow.
Hopefully, I can update you all after settling into my home in Busia. I miss the fam and friends already, but am enjoying this 'me' time.

Pictures of Dubai (even though the pics don't do it justice) and some of our hotel and us in Kampala are COMING SOON!

Keep it classy, America.

1 comment:

  1. maylott this brings me joy. i am so glad to hear that you had a positive experience in Kampala. I can't wait to talk to you more and to hear all about those children!

